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aromaRosary offers hand-crafted rosaries that hold and diffuse essential oils to expand the prayer experience.

About Us

Hi! Welcome to aromaRosary! I'm Chantal, the owner and creator of all that you see here!

I'm so delighted that you've stopped by!!

A few years ago, Immaculée Ilibagiza spoke to my heart as she shared her story of suffering and triumph through the power of the rosary with 30,000 other individuals. It just so happened that she was the keynote speaker at a large global essential oil summit I was attending. As she shared, I marveled at her passion and unhindered dedication to sharing the rosary with the world.  Here in one moment two of my greatest loves in life were colliding before my eyes - essential oils and the rosary! As I drove across the county I reflected on my personal visit with Immaculee, her powerful gesture of throwing her rosary to someone in the crowd and all I had just learned about the movement of essential oils in health care. My heart overflowed with inspiration and desire to bring to our hurting world the solace and rich blessings of essential oils and the rosary. Thus this effort was born.  Our mission is to create beautiful hand crafted rosaries.  We seek to create an attitude and an atmosphere of aroma for prayer of the rosary flourish. We seek to help families understand the incarnational meaning of their bodies and the need for health to be a top concern and priority for families today.  We seek to dispel myths about essential oils and to help teach families how to safely and prudently and affordably begin using essential oils. With full respect and honor for Our Blessed Mother, we faithful continue the work of introducing and re-introducing the world to her maternal love and her psalter of roses.  Together with, good food and movement, supplements, prayer and wholesome habits, essential oils  and the rosary can help anyone be the healer in their own home.  And this is a noble quest. 

Sirach 30:14-16

Better off poor, healthy, and fit
than rich and afflicted in body.
Health and fitness are better than any gold,
and a robust body than countless riches.
There is no wealth better than health of body,
and no gladness above joy of heart.

I am a certified health coach and essential oil advocate and coach. I seek to help others find natural solutions to their physical and emotional pains through the use of essential oils as well as develop a deeper love for prayer and the rosary. I started this effort after years in the essential oil world in an attempt to help extend the prayer experience for families who desire to enter more fully into the prayer of the rosary and live the virtues it represents.

While many people have chosen to take essential oils into a New Age context, it is my desire to remain orthodox in my presentation of the Catholic Faith and in the way in which essential oils can be used by the faithful. However, this initiative is not just for Catholics. The rosary is a prayer for all people and the tangible beauty and aroma of essential oils can help everyone to focus a little bit more, deepen the memory of the mysteries presented and inspire virtuous choices and faithful living.

In addition to our beautiful aromaRosaries, we offer online education workshops, ebooks for learning more about the biblical roots of oils and rosary. We offer rosary meditations and media meant to enhance prayer of the rosary. We offer inspirational speaking on a broad range of topics form wellness, to personal development, leadership and topics of faith, family, prayer, the saints and Our Blessed Mother. We offer essential oil coaching and access to the highest quality essential oils for use in your home and for your health. 

I am excited to help you on your journey of prayer and wellness. Please reach out and share your positive feedback with us. We hope work with in sharing this mission around the globe.

So welcome! And I hope you'll hang out with us on Instagram and Facebook! @aromaRosary